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Wireless Spy Camera Pen - Included Solar Charger[28 Apr. 2011, 0:15:31]
HargaSesuai Pengambilan
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Kemas & PengirimanDus
Overview Produk
Garansi 1 tahun
stok terbatas atau indent 2 minggu sejak PO dan DP di terima.

Wireless Spy Camera Pen - Included Solar Charger

Fully functioning and normal looking pen with completely inconspicuous built in wireless mini spy camera, and also coming with an included solar charger for quick and easy recharging of the pen cameras built in Li-ion battery. For fun or for some serious spying, just whip out the pen, twist the cap to start the wireless transmission, have the included MP4/ Wireless receiver with 10~ 20 meters, and you can view and record everything that your spy camera pen sees. This is a seriously fun spy gadget, with many practical and not so practical uses, and available direct from the Chinese manufacture to you.

China Manufacturer Specification

Receiver Specifications

Receiving Frequency: 2.4GHz
Intermediate Frequency: 480Mhz
Frequency Stabilization: + / -100Khz
Demodulation Mode: FM
Antenna: 50ohm SMA
Receiving Sensitivity: 48dB
Operation Temperature: 5 ~ 35deg C
Transmission Frequency: 2414Mhz
Locked Frequency
Power Adapter: DC 5V
Dimension: 45x15x15mm( LxWxD)
Recommended Max Range for Objects: 5 Meters
Transmission Range: 10~ 20 Meters
Built In Microphone
Built In Rechargeable Li-ion Battery
Included Solar Charger for Recharging The Pen
Manufacturer Ref.: 526R4LJTHG64

Untuk Info Hub :
Indah / Cici
08170886364 / 021-99846945/ 021-74637308
YM : optimacel/ optimatel
email : optimacel@
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